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Solarlife capital
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
French Company Molex for 1 Euro sold to US investor
Topic: Poverty

Molex Villemur

283 Employees fired,

French government sells Factory equipment for 1 Euro

to U.S group. Good buy, french banks don't finance manufacturing

material etc. 

American group automotive connectors invests Euro 5.4m

HIG U.S. investment fund  another Euro 1m = Total Euro 6.4m

French government gives creditline of Euro 6.6m  


45 Employees and Euro 2.5m Turnover predicted.


Reality in France 

5 Employees cost including prepaid high charges Euro 200.000/year

45 Employees Euro 1.8m/Year. No factory can run in France this way.

source:  fr.news.yahoo.com

Posted by solarlife at 10:50 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 September 2009 11:15 AM EDT

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