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Solarlife capital
Friday, 16 October 2009
Estrosi, Molex could relocate part of its operations to Tunisia.
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Topic: Poverty



Will Molex Shift its Business to Tunis?


As controversy swirls over the closure of its French unit -
the state secretary for industry, Christian Estrosi, has
stepped into the frey - the American connector and cables firm
Molex could relocate part of its operations to Tunisia

source: Africaintelligence.com

Comment: Friend's Business section,

buy for 1 euro, receive 6 million Euro credit gov, relocate Tunisia.

Looks like Bazar Business connection, no production in France.

Related: French Company Molex for 1 Euro sold to US investor Sept-15


Posted by solarlife at 3:30 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 16 October 2009 3:46 PM EDT

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