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Solarlife capital
Thursday, 14 January 2010
EDF energy UK distribution on sale, EDF needs 4bn euros debt reduction
Now Playing: EDF lancerait la vente d'EDF Energy a la fin du mois
Topic: Politics

EDF energy distribution UK had recently to pay a fine

for bad service, means did not connect customers in time.

now unit on sale to reduce debt €4bn for the necessary

investments of €25bn nuclear power plants UK by EDF. 


Avant de mener à bien ce projet, Henri Proglio espère recruter Thomas Piquemal, le directeur financier de Veolia Environnement, son groupe d'origine, pour lui confier les mêmes fonctions au sein d'EDF. 

source: fr.news.yahoo.com

Posted by solarlife at 11:00 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 15 January 2010 12:32 PM EST

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