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Solarlife capital
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Southern France Ozone Smog -30kmh Asthma
Now Playing: 180 microg Ozone smog no Oxygen to breath
Topic: Electric cars

Ozone smog is toxic for lungs, Asthma and for children even plants and trees damaged. The Speed limit - 30kmh - 20mlsh.

Main Areas Var and Bouche de Rhone. Remains the question when do electric car charging stations get a reality in southern France.

source: Le Figaro  http://tinyurl.com/la9oqj

US today gave $2bn grants for electric car batteries development Ford GM chrysler. 

Posted by solarlife at 12:52 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 2:22 PM EDT
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
France to boost renewable energy funding ?
France plans to raise electricity prices by an average of 2.3 percent 
for households and businesses from August 15 to fund investment including 
in renewable energy sources, the Economy Ministry said on Tuesday.

France plans to raise prices for households by 1.9 percent from August 15
source: REUTERS

comment: UK nuclear plant adventure needs Euro 25bn funding for EDF

Posted by solarlife at 7:51 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 2:23 PM EDT
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Alcatel-Lucent France Sophia-Antipolis on strike
Now Playing: Alcatel-Lucent : greve sur le site de Sophia-Antipolis
Topic: Crisis Room

Commentaire / Reader comments

j'en profite pour rappeler comment un manager incompétent
a pu transformer un de nos fleurons technologiques nationaux
en société moribonde. Celui là même qui rêvait d'une

"entreprise sans usine".  (Alcatel-Lucent)
Il aura bientôt raison lorsque Alcatel aura disparu.
Quelle honte ! En outre, il n'a pas oublié son parachute
en partant contrairement à ces salariés licenciés qui
eux paieront cash ses erreurs stratégiques. source:madox

Lire Article READ Lemonde | Alcatel-Lucent  |  Bell Labs  | Bell Labs Green Tech

Alcatel-Lucent : grève sur le site de Sophia-Antipolis

Posted by solarlife at 11:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 21 September 2009 12:53 PM EDT
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Estrosi goes Electric
Now Playing: French Industry minister for clean city, jumpstart green economy only for BIG 3 ?

French Industry minister Estrosi and Mayor of Nice

to buy six electric cars for the city

Six véhicules électriques pour une ville propre

 Video "Estrosi drives electric"

Ancient motorcycle Champion Estrosi

testdrives Electric car: "good torque"

Estrosi cherche NOUVEAUX CLIENTS 
[Trouver de nouveaux clients :] "UPM/Euromed" ?

Je demande à la Direction générale de la compétitivité,

de l'industrie et des services (DGCIS) que dirige Luc
Rousseau de me proposer un plan d'action visant à
identifier les diversifications possibles en termes de
débouchés, puis à accompagner les PME ainsi ciblées vers
ces nouveaux marchés. Il faudrait ......
Source: Vie-publique.fr


PME / SMEs Small medium Enterprises Export

vous avez demandé que l’on aide nos PME innovantes
en matière d’écotechnologies à se positionner à l’export.
Je partage votre analyse. C’est bien entendu un enjeu de
premier ordre. La « World Investment Conference » de La
Baule début juin a montré que nous avions des compétences
à offrir au monde ???   PLUS / READ MORE>

No money for Innovators, no Cleantech party for France !
Geen economy commentCoolsolarlifecapital
Les Banques francais ne finance pas le stock ou materiel
necessaire pour production style "Silicon Valley" Export

1000 pieces a produire minimum en France.
Example BNP Paribas
a government co-owned french Bank advertises
With 600 million euros covered by European investment bank
but unable to finance stock, electric components for
production for only 25 000 Euros. France knows no
pre-financing of Orders, because Cities are late payers.
So it stays all a dream for small Entrepreneurs, no
money for innovation to market and production ? The
French "Etatisme" features always big companies like
Veolia, Renault, EDF. No free ECO market created yet.
Europeans and Int'l companies excluded by famous
partnership "publique/privee" "public private club"
the open door often close to insider corruption.
Minority Enterprises 3 - 15 employees have to get
orders first, like in US cities to start a
ECO green economy
; all other is "closed society"
The main progress players stay away, money lost.

Google search> French banking unavailable for SMEs

TF1 April 2009 - French Bank test
Exclusif - Créations d'entreprise : les banques ne jouent pas le jeu

 Temoignage PME SME innovante Start-up
Probleme Bancaire | Marre des banques Yell
9 mai 2009 ... Chaque Français doit se rendre compte de
l'état actuel du système financier. ... avions un stock,
et du matériel
, mais plus rien pour financer la pub, ...
Nous apprenons que les autres banques ne prêterons pas car....

Stock 15kE materiel 6KE
Cherche maman qui finance, Sealed
Banques francais non aux Entreprenuers PME innovante

J'ai compté qu'il me faudrait environ 6000€ de matériel et 15000€ de stock de départ. Tous les interlocuteurs que je rencontrent me disent que même si le projet est viable, les banques ne financent pas le stock

30 Employees Alcatel-Lucent Sophia Antipolis fight for survival

Why? Company was stripped of manufacturing, deadly error !

Posted by solarlife at 9:35 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 August 2009 11:33 AM EDT
San Francisco to Get Its Own Cleantech Incubator
Now Playing: Incubator with UN
Topic: Cleantech


The idea is that the U.N. will provide thought leadership and a big, anchor name to the project, allowing the city to bring in private sector companies and venture capitalist and angel funds. In the mayor’s announcement today, he said the proposed U.N. Global Compact Center will include a cleantech business incubator, offices of the U.N. Global Compact, and a conference center to facilitate the exchange of sustainability best practices and other innovations related to combating global warming. source: earth2tech.com


Posted by solarlife at 8:25 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 1 August 2009 9:46 PM EDT
Thursday, 30 July 2009
1 million without Power Southern France
Now Playing: Electricity Black-out PACA Region Var Riviera

July 30 2009

 No electricity for 1m people


1 million touched by famous power cuts 

Southern France, EDF has no viable Island 

program with Gas turbines de-central to 

jumpstart supply, just old ON/OFF technolgy no Smart grid... 

Read more> 

Posted by solarlife at 3:12 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 31 July 2009 5:26 PM EDT
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
France Greentech Minister Borloo says Renewables to create 600 000 green jobs
Now Playing: Renewables electricity - Green Building - Batiment intelligent

600 000 emplois d'ici 2020

France Borloo
Greentech Minister
to create 600 000
green Jobs 2020

Source: LeMonde

Barack Obama predicts 

5 million green jobs for U.S. 

Europe Renewable electricity leader Germany 20% 4000 MW Solar PV 16 000 MW Wind, next Spain http://tinyurl.com/l89maf 

Posted by solarlife at 4:56 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 29 July 2009 5:36 PM EDT
Thursday, 23 July 2009
France to create national Solar PV Industry ?
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: must compete with Germany, China, U.S.
Topic: Politics

In 2020 Solar electricity costs to reduce by 50%
France however has to speed up in Renewable energy
education for Green jobs, 25 years missing.
Production and materials costs and Pre-financing
orders a whole finance concept has to develop for
Solar France. No General Electric will prefinance
EDF. So France has to open it's market for new
players for fair solar energy trade, especially
for Germany, China, U.S.. If national restricton games
like "agreed installateur" for european homologated
products continue to protect the french market
from european and Int'l players, no progress in sight.
EDF the $100bn electricity provider did not and does
not understand Solar business. More it's looking to survive
with the $50bn burden dept from overaged nuclear
industry to replace. So new companies to create.

Source: Le Monde

Posted by solarlife at 4:53 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 23 July 2009 4:58 PM EDT
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
France C.R.E resists Smartmeter Efficiency
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: wants tax or money for power saving service ?
Topic: Politics

France years behind in Smart Meter development applications compared to U.K., the experimental European, demands company Voltalis, a company that installs electricity management devices in homes and businesses and then manages their use, would have to, in effect, pay power producers for the power that it saves.

Note: Only the Royals in Paris make money, ordinary consumers obliged to pay for the power efficiency; French paradox to change...

 NewYorkTimes   |  Green Sheet


Posted by solarlife at 5:55 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 July 2009 6:23 PM EDT
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Biomass stove could convert sound into electricity
Now Playing: $50 Device in planning for Africa
Topic: Poverty

A stove that makes Electricity from Biomass for Cooking And Fridge ? 

British project, supported by Germans for Africa,
University of Nottingham are developing a linear
alternator that could turn sound energy into electricity.


Posted by solarlife at 5:07 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 July 2009 6:14 AM EDT

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