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Solarlife capital
Friday, 18 September 2009
WIPRO India WiFi Sophia Antipolis bankrupt
Now Playing: Received E5m French gov grant closed day after
Topic: Crisis Room



Comment: France has to learn to capitalize

it's HT enterprises to make them fit for World

market and not easy victims.

Euro 100 million 10%  of BNP Paribas

Trader Bonus a fair trade

WIPRO India closed S. Antipolis 1 Day

after receiving Euro 5 million French

Gov grants ( already 3.7m credit before) 

Posted by solarlife at 2:37 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 21 September 2009 12:50 PM EDT
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
French Company Molex for 1 Euro sold to US investor
Topic: Poverty

Molex Villemur

283 Employees fired,

French government sells Factory equipment for 1 Euro

to U.S group. Good buy, french banks don't finance manufacturing

material etc. 

American group automotive connectors invests Euro 5.4m

HIG U.S. investment fund  another Euro 1m = Total Euro 6.4m

French government gives creditline of Euro 6.6m  


45 Employees and Euro 2.5m Turnover predicted.


Reality in France 

5 Employees cost including prepaid high charges Euro 200.000/year

45 Employees Euro 1.8m/Year. No factory can run in France this way.

source:  fr.news.yahoo.com

Posted by solarlife at 10:50 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 September 2009 11:15 AM EDT
Sunday, 23 August 2009
France, 15 000 SME small entrepreneurs, $4bn credit protest banks cashing in
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Le Mediateur du credit saisi par plus de 15 000 entreprises
Topic: Poverty

French Banks would have destroyed 150 000 jobs







  photo: "Bastille day"


source (F):   lemonde.fr/economie

Posted by solarlife at 12:43 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 August 2009 1:12 PM EDT
Monday, 17 August 2009
Lagarde to push G20 for Bonuses regulation, BNP E1bn ?
Now Playing: BNP Paribas Bonuses Euro 1 billion France ? OK ?
Topic: Poverty

French Finance minister Lagarde to push G20
for Bank Trader Bonuses regulation,

Why not starting with French government co-owned

BNP Paribas bank with  E1bn bonuses at E5bn bailout ?

source: forbes.com

Posted by solarlife at 9:20 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 17 August 2009 11:25 AM EDT
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
World Bank Approves $130M for Solar home CFL lighting in Bangladesh
Now Playing: Solar home systems for rural areas and CFL light bulbs
Topic: Poverty

source: renewableenergyworld.com

Off - grid: Solar

"Investing in grid electricity alone will not realize the Government of Bangladesh's goal of universal access to electricity by 2020."

-- Rob Floyd, Acting World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh

CFL - ECO Light bulbs

Part of the financing will also be used to purchase and install about 10 million energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps in densely populated areas in the country

Posted by solarlife at 9:30 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 August 2009 9:45 AM EDT
Friday, 7 August 2009
BNP Paris E1bn bonuses and no credit for SMEs, PME et menages
Now Playing: BNP and SG at Matignon Paris for reporting
Topic: Poverty

 Liberation economie: Exces

BNP Paribas, pdg Baudouin Prot

PME et ménages. Sera-t-il vraiment question des bonus ? Officiellement, les banques sont convoquées pour une autre raison : le financement des PME et des ménages.

 source: Liberation


 Reader commment Aug-7: en cas de 2e khrach ces messieurs compte certainement sur l'état pour les remflouer (jusqu'a quand cela sera t-il possible)",  le système capitaliste ?


Posted by solarlife at 7:09 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 7 August 2009 9:49 AM EDT
Thursday, 6 August 2009
US to fund HR3247 Social RD program for Clean energy acceptance
Now Playing: Mindchat program to influence low energy consumption
Topic: Smart economy

Well understanding the Citizen before asking for energy change.

H.R. 3247 would establish a social and behavioral sciences research program
at the DOE to identify and understand factors that influence both energy
consumption and acceptance and adoption of new technologies.
H.R. 3247 was introduced by Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Brian Baird (D-WA).
Source: sustainablebusiness.com   |   Mindchat (c)2109RF#AP06

Subcommittee Chairman Brian Baird (D-WA).

“Technology development and investment are only part of the solution to our energy problem,” said Baird. “The decisions each of us make every day have a significant impact on energy production and consumption. It is important that we understand why some technologies are more readily embraced than others.  And it is important that we know how to communicate effectively about the nature of our energy challenges and know how to empower individual citizens to participate in overcoming them.”

In Related News...

More than 20 environmental and advocacy groups--including Oxfam America, 1Sky, the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth and Nature Conservancy--urged U.S. senators this week to dedicate billions of dollars in additional money to international adaptation and low-carbon technology efforts.

The groups sent a letter asking the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to initially dedicate 3% of future cap-and-trade allowances--estimated at about $2 billion per year--to assist developing nations in adapting to climate change. They also requested that 2%-- about $1.3 billion annually--be dedicated to research, development and deployment of energy technologies.

Posted by solarlife at 9:29 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 6 August 2009 9:46 AM EDT
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
French Demeter 2 Cleantech Fund Euro 182m
Now Playing: private equity firm Demeter closing Demeter 2 fund on E 182m
Topic: Cleantech

28th July 2009   Team Image Demeter

French cleantech-focused private equity firm Demeter Partners has held an
intermediate closing of its Demeter 2 fund on €182m. The fund is the successor
to the firm’s €105m Demeter fund, which is now fully invested.

The fund was launched in November 2008 with a target size of €200m and
previously held a first closing on €125m.

Investors in Demeter 2 comprise two sponsors CDC Entreprises, IFP Investissements,
around ten existing investors including Robeco, Cardif, CIC, CNP Assurances, and
also new investors Total, Crédit Coopératif, Dahlia, European Investment Fund,
GDF Suez, Pictor and Neotec.   Source:

Newenergyworldnetwork.com Demeter Partners Fund

Posted by solarlife at 5:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 6:37 PM EDT
BNP pays Euro 1bn in Bonus scandal
Now Playing: BNP governement co-owned with E 5bn bailout
Topic: Poverty

Credit crisis:BNP

BANKs continue to suck the wealth out of our currencies by microtrading against own clients ( Goldman sachs) speculating against currencies petrol etc. No production value created. Buying power of the population goes down.

"Les usines continue a fermer"
source: France24.com

French special:

Banks finance no material for production no stock for Entrepreneurs. Euros 25k already refused; What sort of junk capitlism is this. From what should the population live ? Alcatel - Lucent was ripped of it's production, genious; what should they sell now  ? 

Banks have to be regulated, no bonuses during credit crisis for speculation. In general they have to disappear from stock market quotation. It can not be that the junk speculator, the bank has a higher value than the production company.

The banks have to know no second bailout, but probably a final hangout coming along the street. Chase the Fatcats out of Town. Many hungry people out there need to make a living.

IMF chief "appalled" by the return of large banking bonuses
Wednesday 29 July 2009

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund,
told FRANCE 24 that he was "appalled" to see large bonus provisions being set
aside at banks, which he warned could lead to new "dramas" in the financial sector.
video source: france24.com

Posted by solarlife at 1:59 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 3:14 PM EDT
Southern France Ozone Smog -30kmh Asthma
Now Playing: 180 microg Ozone smog no Oxygen to breath
Topic: Electric cars

Ozone smog is toxic for lungs, Asthma and for children even plants and trees damaged. The Speed limit - 30kmh - 20mlsh.

Main Areas Var and Bouche de Rhone. Remains the question when do electric car charging stations get a reality in southern France.

source: Le Figaro  http://tinyurl.com/la9oqj

US today gave $2bn grants for electric car batteries development Ford GM chrysler. 

Posted by solarlife at 12:52 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 2:22 PM EDT

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