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Solarlife capital
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Paris Fashion week
Topic: Events Shows

comment: No Green Fashion Show so far

Posted by solarlife at 9:31 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 1 October 2009 9:42 AM EDT
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
BNP ready to discount E1.8bn to finance E4.3bn of E5.1bn bailout, why?
Now Playing: Too much dept, bond offers on the market
Topic: Poverty

 BNP offers discount shares 30% down

BNP has to offer new shares to cover Bailout dept for about 40 Euros with 30% discount

 Source PDF (F): DirectNice.com
 n°134 - mercredi 30 Septembre 2009 (edition PDF p. 08)

IMF 2010 Banks $1.5 trillion loss
Banks around the world -- especially in Europe --
still are likely to face additional write-downs of $1.5 trillion
by the end of next year 2010, the IMF said.
source: online.wsj.com


Fact List BNP
O French government co-owned Bank (15%)
O Dept, Gov bailout; E5.1bn / $7.5bn
O Bonuses for Employees E1bn
O Interest payment only to Gov E226m for 7 months

Market public dept financing ?
O E4.3bn / $6.3bn new shares ( nouvelles actions)
O Share price: about E40 - 30% discount !
O Discount loss : E1.8bn / $2.6bn

Why selling with 30% loss?
Market overrun with dept and bonds without future,
direction "friend business" - government security

Danger: Wealth-currency-production destruction
The production companies get their credits cancelled
to refinance bankrupt banks. What, for a second round
Bank bailouts, no conditions fixed, destruction of
wealth and currency through non productive,
parallel bank economy restarting Casino gambling
worldwide. IMF says $1.5 trillion bank loss to
expect end of 2010.  Entrepreneurs why go to work ?

 Many Banks will need money
Christophe Nijdem, a banking analyst at Alphavalue in Paris,
called the stock issue’s timing “judicious.”

“They had a window of opportunity,” he said.
“A lot of banks will turn to the market in the months to come,
and it’s first come, first serve.”

Mr. Nijdem added that, compared to American banks, European banks
were more leveraged, and had to play catch up. Major Western banks
are forecast to post losses of almost $2.5 trillion for the
period 2007-2010, according to the International Monetary Fund
source: socialone.info

Posted by solarlife at 3:55 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 September 2009 5:03 PM EDT
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
BNP to close tax evation haven Bahamas 2010
Topic: Poverty

BNP closes Bahamas

BNP to close "Paradis fiscaux" Bahamas, Panama 2010.
What about Cayman Islands and ...and....
5,1 milliards euros to pay back to French Taxpayer
can't take it from the Bahamas
just launch public papers ask for $7bn
and pay yourself Euro 1bn Bonuses.

Is this a joke, why working, why running
a real production company to create jobs?
The french deficit reaches Euro 140 bn
8% of PIB, was 2.7% of PIB in 2007.

source (F) : metrofrance.fr

BNP > UEB Nassau  

BNP Paribas Private Bank and Trust Bahamas et UEB
(United European Bank and Trust) Nassau, toutes
deux filiales à 100% du groupe BNP Paribas, se
sont rapprochées sous la marque UEB Nassau.

search: BNP History Bahamas 2003 > UEB


Posted by solarlife at 5:56 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 1 October 2009 9:13 AM EDT
BNP Paribas in search of $7bn public money to pay back Gov credit
Now Playing: $1bn Bonuses, but no money to repay debt?
Topic: Poverty






source: lefigaro.fr (F) online.wsj.com (E)

Posted by solarlife at 2:08 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 September 2009 2:17 PM EDT
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Sarkozy se fait l'avocat d'un capitalisme propre
Now Playing: New York speech
Topic: Politics

Why working ? 

Travail contre speculation

L'argent oui, mais comme fruit du travail, pas de la spéculation. C'est en substance ce qu'a déclaré Nicolas Sarkozy hier mercredi à New York, à la veille du G20 où il doit plaider pour le plafonnement des bonus des traders.

 Source (F): liberation.fr

Posted by solarlife at 7:29 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 September 2009 4:44 PM EDT
Friday, 18 September 2009
WIPRO India WiFi Sophia Antipolis bankrupt
Now Playing: Received E5m French gov grant closed day after
Topic: Crisis Room



Comment: France has to learn to capitalize

it's HT enterprises to make them fit for World

market and not easy victims.

Euro 100 million 10%  of BNP Paribas

Trader Bonus a fair trade

WIPRO India closed S. Antipolis 1 Day

after receiving Euro 5 million French

Gov grants ( already 3.7m credit before) 

Posted by solarlife at 2:37 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 21 September 2009 12:50 PM EDT
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
French Company Molex for 1 Euro sold to US investor
Topic: Poverty

Molex Villemur

283 Employees fired,

French government sells Factory equipment for 1 Euro

to U.S group. Good buy, french banks don't finance manufacturing

material etc. 

American group automotive connectors invests Euro 5.4m

HIG U.S. investment fund  another Euro 1m = Total Euro 6.4m

French government gives creditline of Euro 6.6m  


45 Employees and Euro 2.5m Turnover predicted.


Reality in France 

5 Employees cost including prepaid high charges Euro 200.000/year

45 Employees Euro 1.8m/Year. No factory can run in France this way.

source:  fr.news.yahoo.com

Posted by solarlife at 10:50 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 September 2009 11:15 AM EDT
Sunday, 23 August 2009
France, 15 000 SME small entrepreneurs, $4bn credit protest banks cashing in
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Le Mediateur du credit saisi par plus de 15 000 entreprises
Topic: Poverty

French Banks would have destroyed 150 000 jobs







  photo: "Bastille day"


source (F):   lemonde.fr/economie

Posted by solarlife at 12:43 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 August 2009 1:12 PM EDT
Monday, 17 August 2009
Lagarde to push G20 for Bonuses regulation, BNP E1bn ?
Now Playing: BNP Paribas Bonuses Euro 1 billion France ? OK ?
Topic: Poverty

French Finance minister Lagarde to push G20
for Bank Trader Bonuses regulation,

Why not starting with French government co-owned

BNP Paribas bank with  E1bn bonuses at E5bn bailout ?

source: forbes.com

Posted by solarlife at 9:20 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 17 August 2009 11:25 AM EDT
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
World Bank Approves $130M for Solar home CFL lighting in Bangladesh
Now Playing: Solar home systems for rural areas and CFL light bulbs
Topic: Poverty

source: renewableenergyworld.com

Off - grid: Solar

"Investing in grid electricity alone will not realize the Government of Bangladesh's goal of universal access to electricity by 2020."

-- Rob Floyd, Acting World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh

CFL - ECO Light bulbs

Part of the financing will also be used to purchase and install about 10 million energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps in densely populated areas in the country

Posted by solarlife at 9:30 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 August 2009 9:45 AM EDT

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