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Solarlife capital
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
German Fusion reactor to produce energy 2014 ahead of Iter
Topic: Cleantech

 Wendelstein 7-X Fusion

German researchers believe that nuclear fusion can create a constant source of energy. They are so convinced that they're building a massive research reactor that generates power in the same way it's made on the sun.

source: dw-world.de

 This type of fusion reactor is known as a stellarator. It solves issues faced by tokamak fusion reactors

Wendelstein produces power, Iter not 

Even the most advanced tokamak set up in the world, the ITER in Cadarache, France, will only be able to run for a couple of minutes at time. Certainly not long enough to make it a viable energy source for the future, which is where the Greifswalder stellerator might come in.


Posted by solarlife at 4:32 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 4:48 PM EDT
Paris too much debt over 3% limit says Brusells
Topic: Politics
source: lemonde.fr

Posted by solarlife at 12:10 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 12:13 PM EDT
Merkel wants option of excluding members from euro zone
Now Playing: Merkel defend l'Euro fort
Topic: Politics

The 16-nation eurozone must have the option of removing one of its members from the club if a country persistently breaks its fiscal rules, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday.
The option, which would be used only "as a last resort", should apply to countries which "again and again do not fulfil the conditions" to which euro area members are bound, she said in a speech to parliament.
The chancellor added that the current rules in the European Union's Stability and Growth Pact were no longer sufficient to deal with the current crisis, which she described as the euro's "greatest-ever challenge."

source: France24


Posted by solarlife at 11:33 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 11:37 AM EDT
French Minister Legarde desperate about Germany's exports
Now Playing: Lagarde signe son divorce avec l'Allemagne
Topic: Politics
Desperate Housewife economist "Legarde economy" tells

Germany spend more work less.

Initiated by Gordon Brown's record deficit of 13% of GDP

Legarde started on the Frontpage of the Financial Times (why UK paper) to attack the germans to spend more, next day the pound fall.

So with France following with 8% debt of GDP (with Eco bonds 10%)

together attacking the "Germans give me all your pocket money"

could happen to you in the Bronx at night. Well Germany can return

to the Deutsch Mark flying high. France missed to innovate it's overaged heavy industry by protectionism for EDF and others, now

staying in the rain with luxury products not selling in credit crisis.

Well no tragedy in this, Brown used Gameboy Sarkozy to make fire, it's O.K. for Brown.

France not able to finance New cleantech companies, look Heuliez Electric cars financed by a turkish Investor

for technology Transfer? Or is this the opening for Turkey to enter the EU opposed by France.

French and German business community is surprised

about "Legarde economy" ...spend more, work less.

Wasn't Sarkozy there: "Work more, earn more"  


Lagarde signe son divorce avec l'Allemagne
Christine Lagarde continue sa fronde contre l'Allemagne. Montré du doigt, le voisin allemand proteste. La...

source: usinenouvelle.com


Posted by solarlife at 7:56 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 6:04 PM EDT
Eco Valley French Riviera needs new positioning Rem Koolhaas
Now Playing: Cote d'Azur : l'architecte Rem Koolhaas etudiera un "nouveau positionnement international"
Topic: Crisis Room

Comment: Eco Vallee Flop round 2 

The Eco Valley Var, in reality a EU protection area for rare breeding birds, needs no new offices. The high tech center Sophia Antipolis with half of the Enterprises closing offers sufficient space. Yes the tax would not go to Valbonne but to Nice. The new Cleantech Enterprises have all small manufacturing like Silicon Valley. A tax deducted research center makes no money for France, just using tax payers money will not work, it is production not software what gets financing. To start with a Realestate speculation in a nature bird protection zone? The region needs Euro 100 million to restart High Tech companies not financed by French banks and Cleantech Engineers to lead the project.

Photo: Rem Koolhaas 

« Cette étude, confiée à Rem Koolhaas, vise à identifier le nouveau positionnement international de la Côte d’Azur ainsi que les conditions dans lesquelles la Plaine du Var apportera son appui », a déclaré Christian Estrosi alors qu’il inaugurait le Mipim.



Entreprises, des laboratoires de recherche et des unités d’enseignement centrés sur le développement durable.

La Plaine du Var devrait accueillir des entreprises, des laboratoires de recherche et des unités d’enseignement centrés sur le développement durable. D’ici à l’été 2010, une seconde étude devra permettre d’identifier un schéma général de fonctionnement de la Plaine du Var, a précisé l’AFP.

source: batiactu.com

Posted by solarlife at 7:42 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 5:59 PM EDT
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
French Heuliez, future electric car, bought by Turkish investor Manas
Now Playing: Heuliez achete par le Turc Alphan Manas
Topic: Electric cars

Turkish businessman to acquire French car part maker Heuliez for $4m source: france24.com/en

The French state is helping to finance the takeover, which has been valued at approximately 30 milllion euros (41 million dollars). Manas has already made provisions of three million euros to pay for the deal.
Manas told reporters: "I would like to point out that we are signing an MOU (memorandum of understanding) to continue with our legal and financial due diligence on a non-exclusive basis.

Le Turc Alphan Manas doit finaliser le 31 mars son engagement définitif avec l'équipementier automobile, qui emploie 600 salariés. source:liberation.fr

comment:  MOU is not even a Letter of Intent, worthless
France unable to finance french entrepreneurs for €1.5bn french electric car market, but asking Germany to spend more. What future Legarde economy is the Outcome ?

view related:


Heuliez : BKC laisse sa place au turc

La saga Heuliez continue. Huit mois après la décision du tribunal de commerce de Niort de confier l’avenir du constructeur automobile au groupe Bernard Krief Consulting (BKC), son dirigeant, Louis Petiet, a décidé hier de jeter l’éponge. Incapable d’apporter les 15 millions d’euros promis à l’entreprise implantée à Cerizay (Deux-Sèvres), Petiet a accepté - sous la pression du gouvernement - de se retirer, afin de laisser la voie libre à un nouvel investisseur potentiel : le Turc Alphan Manas, dirigeant du fonds d’investissement Brightwell, qui pourrait apporter 20 millions d’euros.

Exclusivité. Autre crainte : la clause d’exclusivité qui, selon la CFDT, «fait que les discussions sur une reprise ne peuvent avoir lieu, pendant dix jours, qu’avec les Turcs, au risque de passer à côté d’un autre repreneur». A quinze jours des régionales, les choses pourraient cependant s’accélérer.


Webpage:  http://www.brightwell.com.tr


Contact Alphan Manas :   

Alphan Manas 

Chairman, Brightwell Holdings BV

Work: +90 (212) 366-5050


 Salaries de 600 a 400 reduction prevu


MIA by Heuliez electric car

Posted by solarlife at 12:17 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 6:21 PM EDT
Sunday, 14 March 2010
No carbon tax in France
Now Playing: Nicolas Sarkozy instille le doute sur la creation de la taxe carbone
Topic: Politics

 Deux mois et demi après sa censure par le Conseil constitutionnel, la taxe carbone est-elle sinon enterrée, du moins remise à plus tard ? C'est l'impression donnée, sciemment ou pas, par le président de la République, Nicolas Sarkozy, dans son entretien au Figaro Magazine du vendredi 12 mars. "Nous prendrons le temps de la concertation au niveau européen comme au niveau national", y déclare le chef de l'Etat, sans réitérer sa volonté de faire entrer une nouvelle mouture du projet au 1er juillet.

source: lemonde.fr/planete

Posted by solarlife at 11:20 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 March 2010 12:46 PM EDT
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
EPR nuclear reactor may cause risk adapting to power demand
Now Playing: EPR vers un accident majeur type Tschernobyl ?
Topic: Politics

Power control system to adapt production to need
is new and can cause malfunctioning of reactor

police present during press conference ?

Chernobyl like accident (tried to stop reactor to fast, causes overheating,burn through...) possible scenario says unveiled study

EPR vers un accident majeur type Tschernobyl ?

Le problème semble provenir du système de pilotage, qui doit permettre de moduler la puissance de réacteur pour s'ajuster à la demande d'électricité. Ce système est prévu pour accroître la rentabilité. Le souci, c'est que le nucléaire n'est pas du tout fait pour les variations d'intensité, et que cela peut provoquer une perte de contrôle, un emballement et un accident type Tchernobyl

CRS et policiers pour la conférence de presse EPR

Il semble (...) que la conception de l'EPR accroisse le risque d'un accident de type Tchernobyl, qui entraînerait la destruction de l'enceinte de confinement et la dispersion massive de radionucléides dans l'atmosphère", a conclu le comité d'experts chargé par le réseau associatif d'étudier ces documents.


source: tempsreel.nouvelobs.com

Posted by solarlife at 3:52 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 9 March 2010 3:59 AM EST
Monday, 8 March 2010
French Microelectronics ST-Ericsson in trouble
Now Playing: A Colombelles, la rebellion des ingenieurs de ST-Ericsson
Topic: Poverty

ST-Ericcson will fire hundreds of Employees

Accrochées aux façades du bâtiment, les banderoles ondulent sous l'effet du vent glacial qui balaie l'agglomération de Caen. Sur ces morceaux de toiles, quelques slogans pleins de colère : "La direction nous balade, on veut des actes", "Du dialogue, pas d'huissiers", "Non aux licenciements boursiers..."

source: lemonde.fr/economie

Normandie, ST Ericsson : le site de Colombelles va fermer 05 juin 2009

source: ouest-france.fr


Posted by solarlife at 5:39 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 9 March 2010 4:10 AM EST
French Nuclear Industry, no sub-primes no money
Now Playing: Sarkozy seeks funding, training for nuclear energy
Topic: Poverty

 Nuclear Industry needs finance

PARIS Mon Mar 8, 2010

International development banks must finance civilian nuclear projects to help emerging nations build energy plants, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Monday, laying out ambitious plans to develop the industry.

Sarkozy: Nuclear Non-Financing is a scandal ?

"It is a scandal that international organizations today do not finance nuclear projects," he said. "The current situation means that countries are condemned to rely on more costly energy that causes greater pollution."
World bank and UN will not finance central Nuclear power
Sarkozy said the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other such institutions should make a "wholehearted commitment" to fund civilian nuclear energy programmes.

source: reuters.com

Abu Dhabi prefers Korea group to EDF

Nuclear power producer EDF and reactor maker Areva were among a French consortium which bid for and lost a $40 billion nuclear project in Abu Dhabi in December. France 40% to expensive EDF / Areva relations don't convince customers.

Nuclear is no Renewable energy...

To demand carbon credits for the nuclear  highly toxic CO2 mininig and waste industry is political without chance. The UN refuses to support nuclear Power for developing nations. France changed the name of the Nuclear energy head into Alternative Energy. Will it help? Jumping around between $5bn over expensive nuclear installations and sudden Solar power buys from Areva US convinces nobody.

Secret EPR study unveiled, police controls press conference

Power control system to adapt production to need
is new and can cause malfunctioning of reactor

EPR vers un accident majeur type Tschernobyl ?

Le problème semble provenir du système de pilotage, qui doit permettre de moduler la puissance de réacteur pour s'ajuster à la demande d'électricité.

Posted by solarlife at 5:08 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 9 March 2010 4:05 AM EST

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