Now Playing: Le president Laurent Gbagbo sortant, qui parle d un coup d etat deguise
Topic: Politics
President Laurent Gbagbo Ivory coast says:
Hidden coup d'etat happened at Ivory coast elections
with sudden unclear change during second round in
northern rebell zone. UNO should leave country and
give up securing "Hotel based" Ouattara
Ivory Coast’s embattled president Laurent Gbagbo has once again told UN peacekeepers
to leave the country after accusing them of firing on civilians
Le président Laurent Gbagbo
sortant, qui parle d’un “coup d‘état déguisé”
Côte d’Ivoire : Laurent Gbagbo apelle l’ONUCI à quitter le pays
Alassane Ouattara
Le nouveau président de la Côte d’Ivoire, ainsi qu’il a été reconnu officiellement, attend un très hypothétique départ de Laurent Gbagbo, son rival.
L’organisation ouest-africaine de la Cédéao doit pour sa part envoyer une délégation à Abidjan lundi
Update: 2011-01-03
Keyna: Raila Off to Ivory Coast for Mediation
Prime minister Raila Odinga has departed for Ivory coast to undertake his role as African union special envoy to resolve the political stalemate in the West African country.
Raila who earlier had called for the use of force to remove incumbent Laurent Gbagbo seems to have toned down on this position and now says he is going to Ivory Coast as a neutral broker seeking a peaceful solution.