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Solarlife capital
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
France to reduce debt of 84% of GDP untill 2013
Now Playing: Le gouvernement francais a releve ses previsions de dette publique a 83,7% du PIB en 2010
Topic: Poverty

Le gouvernement français a relevé ses prévisions de dette publique à 83,7% du PIB en

 2010, 86,5% en 2011, 87,5% en 2012 et 87% en 2013, dans le rapport préparatoire au débat d'orientation

budgétaire présenté mercredi.

Le gouvernement maintient dans ce document sa prévision d'une croissance du PIB de 2,5% en 2011 ainsi

que sa trajectoire prévisionnelle de réduction du déficit public de 8% en 2010 à 6% en 2011, 4,6% en 2012

et 3% en 2013.



source: fr.news.yahoo.com

Posted by solarlife at 10:46 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 10:52 AM EDT
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Blatter warns Sarkozy not to interfere in football
Now Playing: FIFA, Blatter s'adresse a Sarkozy de retirer du football investigation par l'etat
Topic: Politics

 Blatter warns France, Sarkozy not to interfere

 FIFA has punished soccer federations before.

JOHANNESBURG (AP) FIFA president Sepp Blatter warned French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday that his country's team risks suspension from global tournaments if he meddles in the running of the national soccer federation.

Blatter said Tuesday he was sending a "clear and clean message" to the French government and Sarkozy, who has said he would personally lead the investigation into Les Bleus' dismal showing at the World Cup. 

 The French soccer federation "can really rely on FIFA in case of political interference - even if it is at the presidential level," Blatter said. "France made an 'affaire d'etat' of football, but football remains in the hands of the federation."

 Bachelot earlier said it was "inevitable" that French soccer federation Jean-Pierre Escalettes would resign. Escalettes, who won praise for leading the Euro 2016 bid campaign, announced his plan to quit shortly after and will be interviewed Wednesday with the outgoing Domenech in hearings at the National Assembly.

Blatter told reporters at a briefing that he regretted Escalettes' resignation, and warned that France's status in world soccer would not prevent FIFA stepping in.

source WSJ Wall street Journal : http://online.wsj.com

Posted by solarlife at 12:57 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 1:06 PM EDT
Google celebrates 110th birthday of French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Now Playing: 110e anniversaire de la naissance d'Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

His last flight ended near Marseille
most famous book "Le petit Prince"
View Google "collector items"
at google search France
only today 

Posted by solarlife at 4:37 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 4:41 AM EDT
It gests tough for French nuclear industry, Toshiba Japan - India nuclear pact
Now Playing: Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi a conquerer le marche nucleaire indienne
Topic: Politics

Japan and India Launch Talks on Civilian Nuclear Pact

 Japan and India began negotiations Monday toward a civilian nuclear pact that could pave the way for major Japanese players, such as Hitachi Ltd., Toshiba Corp. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, to expand into India's growing nuclear-power sector.

 A Japan-India pact also would likely hearten non-Japanese companies, such as General ElectricCo. of the U.S. and Areva SA of France, as it would allow them to use key Japanese technology in their India projects.

source WSJ: online.wsj.com



India nuclear facilities:  http://www.atomicarchive.com/Reports/India


India's Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation , read book: http://www.amazon.com

Posted by solarlife at 3:22 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 3:39 AM EDT
Monday, 28 June 2010
Guinea election time
Now Playing: Guinee-Conakry: la voie des urnes
Topic: Poverty

Les électeurs guinéens ont voté
dans le calme lors de la présidentielle, ce dimanche. En soi, un succès inespéré au regard du calvaire que subit ce pays depuis un demi-siècle. Mais le plus dur reste à faire: désigner, sans doute à la faveur d'un second tour, un vainqueur reconnu par tous.

Ce dimanche, les électeurs guinéens ont voté  

Après le putsch qui porta au pouvoir le 

capitaine Moussa Dadis Camara, alias "MDC", 

fils naturel de Bokassa et de la Mère Ubu?

 Après la tentative d'assassinat de MDC par son aide de camp

guidee par qui ?

(Tags: Bauxite mining, Aluminium, $7bn contract by Camara with China for mining, after contract he got shot )

source: lexpress.fr

Related corruption conspiracy (check out yourself:)
 ....Simple fait du hasard? Le groupe de Vincent Bolloré, l'un des capitaines d'industrie préférés de la Sarkozye, persiste à guigner la concession du terminal portuaire de Conakry

 http://www.webguinee.net/etat/postcolonial/cndd/camar   |    http://www.webguinee.net

Posted by solarlife at 1:22 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 28 June 2010 1:43 PM EDT
Saturday, 26 June 2010
French SG bank lets trader Kerviel speculate with $60bn against DAX stock market, ignored German warnings
Now Playing: Le proces Kerviel a confronte la finance a elle-meme
Topic: Politics

 SG Société Générale

 $1.5 trillion in assets  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Société_Générale

 Opinion International view

2007 Trader KERVIEL created 1.5bn Euro ( $2bn ) trading profit for SG, the accountant took it in the books of the Bank SG, so the Bank knew very well about it.  [wikipedia: compare: estimated SG revenue 2009: €21bn , operating income €116 million ] you should know about 1.5 billion Euros ???

Eurex Frankfort Germany sends warning letters to SG France

German newspapers mention that SG societe generale was warned by the German "SEC" Eurex Frankfort in several letters addressed to single persons at SG and SG Departments about the enormous speculations from SG against the German leitindex DAX. So who wanted to profit in the background scene from this actions ? Why was no reaction to the warning letters from SG ?


SG Societe Generale represented by laywer Jean Veil, son of Simon Veil

 KERVIEL's virtual business shows buying 5% of Deutsche Bank

Hard to believe that SG managment CEOs did not see this virtual business, buying 5% of one of it's main competitiors Deutsch Bank [ DB holding $2.2 tn assets ]

SG wants  €5bn cash back from KERVIEL 

SG wants the €5bn loss back from KERVIEL ? He made never a substantial Bonus as trader at SG. Anyway SG should reduce the €5bn - €1.5bn profit 2007 = €3.5 bn. 


Rogue trader blames the bank for €5bn loss

  He (KERVIEL) admitted, at one point, that he had invented a rugby-mad British client called "Matt" to explain his huge, initially successful, bets on the downward movement of the European share market in 2007    

 On the other hand, the real defendant in the trial has often seemed to be not Mr Kerviel, but his bank, Société Générale. Mr Kerviel's principal lawyer, Olivier Metzner, has produced a string of witnesses and exhibits to suggest that France's second biggest bank let speculation thrive in the run-up to the subprime crash of 2008.

Bank records produced last week showed that Mr Kerviel's internal bank "treasury" was sometimes billions of euros over his official trading limit. "None of my superiors asked questions," the young man told the court. "They could see exactly what was in the treasury of each trader."


Conspiracy say German Newspapers 

What would happened to the profits, if KERVIELS €50bn speculation against German values would have worked and which group would have cashed in ? The term conspiracy is obvious. 

French SME (PME) enterprises can not even cover material releases by french banks to execute customer orders, no wonder if you can speculate against the market, but to create the market economy, France is in Worldcup soccer dilemma, no way out with no change. 

Le procès de Jérôme Kerviel

Le desk "Delta One", où travaillait Jérôme Kerviel,

a en effet laissé une image inquiétante dans les témoignages.

a confirmé les charges pesant sur l'ancien trader de la Société générale mais a fourni une image troublante des salles de marchés, univers peuplé d'hommes surmenés où les contrôles semblent faibles au regard de risques gigantesques en jeu. 

source: fr.news.yahoo.com




Posted by solarlife at 7:47 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 26 June 2010 12:33 PM EDT
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Google celebrates 105th birthday Jean-Paul Sartre France
Now Playing: Google 105eme anniversaire de la naissance de Jean-Paul Sartre

Posted by solarlife at 6:19 PM EDT
Worldcup French Team on strike against Apparatchiks
Now Playing: Clash entre Evra et Duverne en entier : Dernieres images de France 2

Worldcup 2010 South Africa: France

 D'après un communiqué des joueurs lu à la presse par Raymond Domenech, les Bleus ont refusé de s'entraîner pour protester contre l'exclusion du groupe de Nicolas Anelka. « Tous les joueurs de l'équipe de France sans exception souhaitent affirmer leur opposition à la décision prise par la Fédération Française de Football d'exclure Nicolas Anelka », indique notamment ce communiqué. « 

Posted by solarlife at 5:49 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 20 June 2010 5:52 PM EDT
Saturday, 19 June 2010
France Villepin starting own multi-party United Republic to beat Sarkozy 2012
Now Playing: Villepin lance son mouvement Republique solidaire
Topic: Politics

 Former PM de Villepin founds party for 2012 challenge to Sarkozy

Supporters cried "Villepin, president" as the new centre right Republique Solidaire was launched in Paris in front of 3,000 supporters. France's former premier Dominique de Villepin established a new political party on Saturday, the "Republique solidaire" (United Republic), a first step toward challenging his long-time rival Nicolas Sarkozy for the presidency in 2012.

VILLEPIN, 56 years old, a patrician former career diplomat who speaks flawless English, he won global fame for leading the charge against the US invasion of Iraq at the United Nations in 2003

video source: france24.com/en

Special: The multi-party is a movement, means members can come

from different parties and keep their membership of origin. 


 Avant de monter sur l'estrade, Dominique de Villepin s'est offert un long bain de foule, digne d'un candidat à la présidentielle, sur l'air notamment des Black Eyed Peas. La foule présente, qui rassemblait plus de 3000 personnes, a d'ailleurs clamé «Villepin président» avant que celui-ci ne prenne la parole. 

«Nous n'acceptons pas que le Kärcher tienne lieu de politique»
«Notre système économique et social est à bout de souffle», a affirmé celui qui entend offrir une alternative à la politique de Nicolas Sarkozy.

source: lefigaro.fr/politique

Posted by solarlife at 2:15 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 June 2010 2:47 PM EDT
Friday, 18 June 2010
UAE Announces Plans for World’s Largest Solar Plant - Shams 1 – Total 20%
Now Playing: Total participe avec 20% Energie solaire Abu Dhabi Masdar
Topic: Solarlife capital

Total and Spanish solar company Abengoa Solar to build a 100 MW solar plant outside of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Compared to the monster Desertec project in Europe and North Africa, Shams 1 is a drop in the bucket, but will be up and running long before Desertec secures financing.

Read more: UAE Announces Plans for World's Largest Solar Plant | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World  

source:  inhabitat.com  

Posted by solarlife at 3:28 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 18 June 2010 3:37 PM EDT

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